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Under Renovation
during COVID-19 Closures
Welcome to DR Medical Toursim, the leading site for elective surgery - also known as medical tourism - in the Dominican Republic. Medical Tourism is the one of the top five industries in the . Join us for a tour of the best medical facilities the Dominican Republic has to offer. And meet the highly qualified medical professionals in June. Contact us for more information and to reserve your spot. Americans choose to come to the Dominican Republic because of it's proximity to the United States, and the attractive medical packages available without having to sacrifice quality of services. Nearly 50
million Americans
are uninsured or
under insured,
therefore the cost of
healthcare has
continued to spiral
out of their reach.
America's healthcare
woes have caused its
citizens to head to
the Caribbean in
search of affordable
quality medical services. In Canada and Europe universal healthcare coverage is provided by the government, but long waits and higher costs are a deterrent. The American crisis has caused more than 750,000 citizens to become medical tourists since 2007, and it is expected that medical tourists will create a $20 million industry in 2015 alone. Much of that activity has become an economic opportunity for developing nations such as the Dominican Republic where wages are lower, infrastructure costs are less and physicians don't have to pay astronomical fees for malpractice insurance. Consequently, these savings are passed on to their patients.
El sitio web lÃder para el turismo médico en República Dominicana!
About Us
Somos los principales facilitadores de turismo médico en República
Dominicana. DR Medical Tourism le ayudará a encontrar a los más
calificados médicos cirugÃa electiva en la mayorÃa de precio asequible
en la República Dominicana. Ofrecemos la mas completa turismo
médico paquetes vacacionales. Nuestros servicios incluyen transporte aéreo desde y hacia la República Dominicana, documentos de viaje requeridos, introducción de equipo médico y procedimiento cosmético seleccionada, alojamiento resort todo incluido para pre y post operación alojamiento se manejarán a través de nuestro transporte de empresa,, complejo, un paquete de instrucciones médicas conserjerÃa servicio y seguimiento. Una servicios de carta está disponibles. Además, proporcionamos a un conserje personal durante su estancia internacional para su comodidad y tranquilidad. Le garantizamos que usted estará satisfecho con nuestro servicio tanto que usted querrá correr la voz a sus amigos y familiares. Creemos sinceramente que word-of-mouth es la forma más sincera de la publicidad para los negocios nuevos y retorno. Ningún otro facilitador de turismo médico irá la milla extra como lo hacemos.